
We’re so excited you’re here!

Our goal is to demystify tech and make it more accessible to people that don’t have time to try the flood of new apps or tweak each and every setting. In essence, help you own your technology, instead of your technology owning you. If that sounds exciting to you, we would love if you followed our journey!

Also, though we don’t have any specific plans, but we are expecting to publish to our YouTube Channel soon. Subscribe if you want to be first to see what we have in store there!

About the author

My name is Kyle.

I love helping others get the most out of their technology. I sincerely mean that, my friends and family can attest that I love it almost to a fault. Discovering the next exciting app, troubleshooting issues, developing processes, and combining systems are things I can do all day.

StayTech has been an idea in the back of my mind for years. I have always wanted a place to organize and share my technology discoveries with others and I’m so excited that it’s finally here!

I have been using computers as long as I remember. From learning to build websites in middle school, to building a printer out of Legos for fun in high school, to my career as software developer, I have learned a ton I want to share along the way.

Thanks for visiting, it means a lot!

The definition of tech

Here is the Merriam-Webster definition of technology:

> tech> •> nol> •> ​o> •> gy> | \tek-ˈnä-lə-jē\ | noun

the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area

The broadness of this definitely is often overlooked. StayTech was created to share our "particular" knowledge so it can be practically applied to benefit your life.

We hope Staytech can be a resource that helps you get the most out of your tech, and your life. Technology is much more than just computers, phones, or gadgets; it is any knowledge, applied practically.

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